Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fanning The Flames

Monacco Desert Cottage - Vista Hills

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_01

Isabella stood in front of the fireplace in her room absently gazing at the logs dying a slow death as the flames turned them into ash. She wondered if they understood what was happening to them, if they felt any pain, if they wanted to escape their doom. She felt like one of those logs.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_02

Nothing about that day had gone remotely how she thought it would and no matter how many precautions she had taken to prevent it, nothing had been able to stop the burning sensation in her chest that had been there since the day she arrived.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_03

“Can I get anything for you boss?” Lexie’s voice startled her momentarily. “No,” she replied without looking up at her. “Are you sure? There must be something I can do for you.” Isabella turned to her assistant and gave her a weak smile. “There’s nothing anyone can do anymore. It’s late; you should get some sleep. Goodnight.” Lexie gave her one last concerned look before heading to her room.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_04

Returning her gaze to the fire she watched the flames flicker and pop; a frenzy of movement that began to blur her vision. She closed her eyes in an effort to refocus but they abruptly snapped back open when images of the day’s events began to flash in her mind.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_05

She turned her back on the flames and shook her head as if trying to shake the images out somehow. She didn’t want to see, didn’t want to think, and didn’t want to feel the overwhelming pain that was beginning to consume her.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_06

She laid down on her bed, her tears hitting the pillow before her head. More images flooded her mind; images of her childhood when she had been happy in this city; of her times with Nico when they were young and in love; of the life that she had envisioned they would have when they grew up; of his eyes, cold as steel and full of contempt.

Ep. 05_Sc. 01_07

Giving into the pain she shut her eyes tightly and let more tears roll down her cheeks. Somewhere between the memories and fantasies she finally fell asleep.


Ep. 05_Sc. 02_01

It was very late by the time Nico pulled up to Isabella’s house. He sat stiff as a board, in his seat and looked up at the flickering light coming from her bedroom. She was definitely home.

Ep. 05_Sc. 02_02

He approached the house and walked up the stone steps. Lifting his hand, hesitated briefly, and rang the door bell.


Ep. 05_Sc. 03_01
Ep. 05_Sc. 03_02

Isabella stood outside flanked by her father on one side and a line of cold cement tombstones on the other. Ahead of her was a long stone casket surrounded by bunches of flowers. It was her mother’s casket; this was her funeral. Desperate sadness overcame her as she realized where she was and what was happening.

Ep. 05_Sc. 03_03

She looked up at her father, his face stoic staring back at her. Unnerved she looked back at the casket, but it was gone; only a tombstone in its place.

Ep. 05_Sc. 03_04

Her mother was gone, she hadn’t gotten to say goodbye and now she would never get the chance. In the distance the low drone of a bell began to toll.

Ep. 05_Sc. 03_05

She looked up at the bell tower in the church next to the graveyard. The bell tolled again.
Ep. 05_Sc. 03_06

She closed her eyes and when she opened them again the bell had become the bright light of the moon; she realized she was staring at it from the terrace of her house.

Ep. 05_Sc. 03_07
Ep. 05_Sc. 03_08

The bell rang again. Finally waking from her dream, she sat up in the bed realizing that someone was at the door. She listened and waited—no voices—Lexie must have been asleep. Who could that be at this hour, she thought as she left the warmth of her bed and headed downstairs.

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_01

Nico stood at the door tempted to run. No one had answered yet; if he left now no one would ever know he had been there. He tuned to leave but the same force inside of him that had dragged him there made him turn back around to face the door.

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_02

The anticipation of seeing her again, up close, was overwhelming. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, and so much more, but the possibility that she would reject him left him in a panic. She had tried to open up to him and he had been a complete asshole to her. He wouldn’t blame her if she never spoke to him again.
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_03

Suddenly she was there, dressed in barely anything at all; the door half open staring at him with a look of anger mixed with anticipation of something—what that something was he didn’t know. “Nico. What are you doing here?”

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_04
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_05

He paused struggling internally for an answer to her question. He was there because he wanted to apologize; because he wanted to finish their conversation; because he wanted to look into her eyes and see if he could find some piece of the love that they used to share. But as he stood there, his heart pounding out of his chest, his body stiff with longing, he realized that he was there for another reason; an urgent want that he needed fulfilled.
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_06

Isabella held his gaze in silence feeling his eyes taking in every inch of her. His motive for being there was obvious now. And as she quickly searched her mind tryinig to find something, anything, to use as a reason to walk away and fight off her own desires, she realized that there were no more words to say…only actions.
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_07

No longer in control of his body, and ignoring the vehement protests of his mind, he took her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_08

He began to feel the soothing release of his built up sexual tension. Her body felt soft and warm against him; her lips trembling against his. She wanted this as much as he did, he could feel it.

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_09

He pulled back and looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation. Finding none he engaged her lips again and let his hands rediscover the softness of her curves. “I need you. He whispered, his body throbbing with passion. “God, I need you so bad. Can I come in?”

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_10

But the question proved rhetorical as he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the house…into her bedroom.

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_11

Incapable of holding anything back, they both gave into the pent up emotion that had plagued them for years and the burning passion that had resurfaced over the last few days.

Ep. 05_Sc. 04_12
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_13
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_14
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_15
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_16
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_17
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_18
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_19
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_20
Ep. 05_Sc. 04_21

Whatever the future held was of no consequence in that moment. They had been captured by their love for each other and neither one wanted to break free.


  1. YES YES YES!!!!

    *jumping up and down*

    These two just seem made for each other, such a long history of love and misunderstanding and memory and need and loss. But always that connection remains.

    I adore the segue from the funeral to the knock on the door.

    And the shots are incredible. The shot by the tombstone with the red flowers is absolutely stunning. The shots in the bedroom, the soft golden color...flames in more way than one.

    stunning update!!!

  2. Thanks S.B. !!

    I have been so anxious to get to this point where Issy and Nico finally let go of their pride and give into what they are feeling for each other. I really wanted to have a big pay off to the anticipation I've built up between them (though I did worry that some of the shots bordered on Sim porn).

    Fire was my muse for this update. The way it can create and destroy things at the same time; how it is related to feelings like anger and passion. I love the warm light and ominous shadows that are cast from a fire; it was the perfect kind of light to paralell the slow burn that's been happening with Isabella and Nico. I also associate it with the feeling of home and comfort, which is what they feel when they are with each other.

    Finally coming together is an overdue though tentative reprieve for them.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your constant support and compliments.

  3. OH MY GOD,, OH MY GOD!!!!

    YAY I'm so happy!
    I want to cry for them... tears of joy of course...

    Beautiful written and the shots are amazing! Nothing porn about them! They are beautiful and sexy and sensual and tastefully done!

    All the emotions, from her sadness at the beginning, and his panic thinking she would reject him, all the way to the flames and passion in the last scene are so real and overwhelming.

    I feel like I have known them forever, and I was expecting that moment as much as they were, finally they let go their chains and are able to come together like if time had never passed...

    using fire as your muse worked out just perfect... hopefully this time fire wont destroy a thing... and their love will rise as a Phoenix rising from the flames..

    Seriously this chapter was beyond beautiful, your writing is so descriptive and inspiring.

    Awesome job!
    Really great!

  4. Thank you so much S@ndy. I knew you would especially appreciate this chapter.

    Yes, finally they have stopped being stubborn and let themselves feel the love between them. I am pleased that the depth of thier emotions is coming across so clearly. They both needed this so badly. Even in the game they seemed so happy that they wouldn't stop smiling no matter what facial overlay I was using (cute but frustrating at times).

    Will their love rise like a Phoenix? Only time will tell, but I will say that they have quite a few obstacles stacked against them right now.

    Thank you for the compliments on the shots and writing. Your feedback is very helpful to me and always greatly appreciated.


  5. I would have been REALLy disappointed if you put Issy with that low-end Blake. Thanks. Of course now I have a feeling you are going to tear them apart again. Love the drama and build up though! Cant wait to see what Sloane's issue with Issy really is. Great lunch time reading. Thanks! Keep it up. I think I am going to start a keep issy and Nico together campaign.

  6. Thank you my "anonymous" friend :) As I told you before you will have to wait and see what happens...

    *rubs hands together; cackles wildly*

  7. your shots are incredible...

  8. Thanks xtina. That means a lot coming from you. Your screenshots are so great:)

  9. Wow, thanks for the great compliment :) speaking of screens, I've got new ones up at my main blog!

  10. Yes! I am so glad these two got together! Talk about heat! And the lead-in with the fire, the dream, the bell...brilliant piece of work.

    I am absolutely in love with that last shot. I adore window shots and this one was perfect with the lighting, the shade, the glow, the colors. Definitely my favorite.

    I do hope they talk after this. I really wanted him to apologize...but I have a feeling their bliss will be short lived.

  11. Hey Gayl! I'm glad you liked it. The last shot is my favorite as well; captured the moment just right.

    They will definately talk after this, they both have a lot to say about what's happing now and what happend years ago. Their individual situations are so complex and this moment in time hasn't made this easier so we'll see how long it lasts.

    Thank you so much for reading and for your comments.

  12. Ah, this was beautiful, amazing, and I imagine earth shattering for both of them.
